Engineering mcq

Thursday 31 March 2016

One tonne rocket thrust chamber parameters

cryogenic engine,1 tonne thrust at 1 ambient pressure, Pc -35 Kg/cm2,)O/F-4.5,Ac/At-3,Pc/Pe-65,conical noozle with half angle-15,L*-25 in ,contraction angle-25.
# Table 1. Thermodynamic properties
#          Parameter                 Injector             Nozzle inl            Nozzle thr          Nozzle exi                 Unit               
            Pressure       3.4323                   3.2762                   1.9112                   0.0528                      MPa              
         Temperature              3094.1263            3083.3733            2871.3834            1545.1473                    K  
            Enthalpy  -1144.6808         -1200.7785         -2421.7450         -8316.6336               kJ/kg              
             Entropy       20.8875                 20.9048                 20.9048                 20.9048               kJ/(kg·K)           
Specific heat (p=const)       7.0362                   7.0209                   6.2064                   3.7198                kJ/(kg·K)           
Specific heat (V=const)      5.9861                   5.9734                   5.2620                   2.9695                kJ/(kg·K)           
        Gas constant                   0.7636                   0.7634                   0.7585                   0.7499                kJ/(kg·K)           
    Molecular weight             10.8889                 10.8910                 10.9618                 11.0872                              
 Isentropic exponent           1.1647                   1.1648                   1.1727                   1.2527                               
             Density         1.4528                   1.3918                   0.8775                   0.0456                    kg/m³             
      Sonic velocity                 1658.8181            1655.8221            1598.1589            1204.7800                  m/s               
            Velocity         0.0000                 334.9557             1598.1589            3787.3349                  m/s               
         Mach number               0.0000                   0.2023                   1.0000                   3.1436                               
          Area ratio       3.0000                   3.0000                   1.0000                   8.1254                               
           Mass flux     466.1863              466.1863             1402.3998             172.5940             kg/(m²·s)          
           Viscosity        0.9221                   0.9198                   0.8727                   0.5417              ·10⁻⁴ kg/(m·s)  
Conductivity, frozen            0.6067                   0.6047                   0.5642                   0.3095                  W/(m·K)         
Specific heat (p=const), frozen       4.3811                   4.3784                   4.3217                   3.7131                kJ/(kg·K)           
Prandtl number, frozen                     0.6659                   0.6660                   0.6684                   0.6499                               
Conductivity, effective       1.3242                   1.3184                   1.0710                   0.3110                  W/(m·K)         
Specific heat (p=const), effective                  7.0362                   7.0209                   6.2064                   3.7198                kJ/(kg·K)           
Prandtl number, effective                0.4900                   0.4898                   0.5057                   0.6481                               
# Table 2. Fractions of the combustion products
#            Species     Injector                Injector             Nozzle inl            Nozzle inl            Nozzle thr          Nozzle thr          Nozzle exi                Nozzle exi         
#                              mass fract          mole fract          mass fract          mole fract          mass fract          mole fract          mass fract                mole fract         
                   H            0.0021440            0.0231615            0.0021269            0.0229813            0.0014339            0.0155943            0.0000025                  0.0000270         
                  H2           0.0777889            0.4201818            0.0777870            0.4202519            0.0779572            0.4239103            0.0787272                  0.4329935         
                 H2O        0.9009533            0.5445599            0.9012668            0.5448534            0.9099129            0.5536576           0.9212682                  0.5669781         
                H2O2       0.0000027            0.0000009            0.0000026            0.0000008            0.0000009            0.0000003            0.0000000                  0.0000000         
                 HO2        0.0000044            0.0000015            0.0000042            0.0000014            0.0000013            0.0000004            0.0000000                  0.0000000         
                   O            0.0005224            0.0003555            0.0005109            0.0003478            0.0002026            0.0001388            0.0000000                  0.0000000         
                  O2          0.0005324            0.0001812            0.0005212            0.0001774            0.0002111            0.0000723            0.0000000                  0.0000000         
                  OH          0.0180519            0.0115577            0.0177804            0.0113860            0.0102801            0.0066259            0.0000021                  0.0000014         


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