Engineering mcq

Saturday 23 April 2016

Space flight m.c.q for GATE Aerospace Engineering

1.     Geocentric orbits with altitudes up to 2,000 
(a)   Low Earth orbit (LEO)
(b)   Medium Earth orbit (MEO): 
(c)    Geostationary orbit (GEO)
(d)   Geosynchronous orbit (GSO)
2.      Pick the correct option:
[A] All geostationary orbits are also geosynchronous, but not all geosynchronous orbits are geostationary.
[R] A geostationary orbit stays exactly above the equator, whereas a geosynchronous orbit may swing north and south to cover more of the Earth's surface.
(a)    both the statements are correct and correct explanation
(b)    both the statements are correct and does not explanation the statement
(c)    [A] is correct but [R] is wrong
(d)   [A] is wrong but [R] is correct
3.      An elliptical orbit used to transfer between two circular orbits of different altitudes, in the same plane-
(a)    bi-elliptic transfer
(b)   Hohmann transfer
(c)    Low energy transfers
(d)   All of these
4.      What is/are the condition followed for Gravity-free Drag-free Space Flight
(a)    Far away from any massive body no gravity
(b)   Far away from any sensible atmosphere no aerodynamic forces
(c)    Only force applied is from rocket motor
(d)   All of the above
5.      Forces acting on a vehicle in the atmosphere will be
(a)    Gravity
(b)   Aerodynamic force
(c)    Thrust
(d)   All of the above
6.      Thrust – to – weight ratio for Large surface launched vehicles:
(a)   1.2-2.2
(b)   5.4-6.8
(c)    10-50
(d)   50-100
7.      Thrust – to – weight ratio for Small missiles:
(a)    1.2-2.2
(b)   5.4-6.8
(c)    10-50
(d)   50-100
8.      For a vehicle in gravitation-less space, to boost the vehicle velocity by 1500 m/sec, if the effective motor exhaust velocity is 2100 m/sec. If the initial total vehicle mass is 4400 kg, the corresponding propellant masses
(a)    220.3 kg
(b)   899.7 kg
(c)    2151.6 kg
(d)   2246.1 kg
9.      Compute the propellant mass required to a mission orbit requiring a velocity impulse of 4400 m/s. Assume that the burnout mass of the rocket structure is 2000 kg and that the specific impulse of the propellant (LO2/LH2) and rocket motor combination is 460 sec.
(a)    330.5 kg
(b)   530.5 kg
(c)    3305 kg
(d)   5305 kg
10.      For an elliptical orbit,
(a)     Perigee velocity is equal to apogee.
(b)   Perigee velocity is less than apogee.
(c)    Perigee velocity is greater than apogee.
(d)   perigee velocity does not affect apogee
11.      If 0°≤i<90°, the satellite orbits in the same direction as the earth’s rotation (orbit­ing eastward around the earth)
(a)    equatorial orbits
(b)   prograde orbit.
(c)    retrograde orbit
(d)   Polar orbits
12.      If 90°<i≤180°, the satellite orbits in the opposite direc­tion of the earth’s rotation (orbiting westward about the earth)
(a)    equatorial orbits
(b)   prograde orbit.
(c)    retrograde orbit
(d)   Polar orbits
13.      Consider an initial circular, LEO at a 200km.What velocity would be required to produce an elliptical orbit with a 200km altitude at periapsis and 2000km altitude at apoapsis?[RE= 6400km]
(a)   0.45
(b)   0.54
(c)    0.62
(d)   0.77
14.      What will be the sign change when the velocity added to a spacecraft initial velocity changed from the initial to final orbit?
(a)    Zero
(b)   Positive
(c)    Negative
(d)   Positive or negative
15.      Considering a circular Mars orbit of radius 8000km to an apogee orbit radius 15000 km. The time for transfer is [Take:- ]
(a)    0.26 hr
(b)   1.04 hr
(c)    5.2 hr
(d)   10.4 hr
16.      A spacecraft launched from a circular orbit of radius 9100km to a final coplanar, elliptical orbit with eccentricity of 0.1 and perigee radius of 9000 km.[ .
A.    The flight path angle on the final orbit is-
(a)   2.508 deg
(b)   – 2.508 rad-1
(c)    28.464 deg
(d)   331.536 rad-1
B.     The velocity change necessary to convert from the initial to the final orbit(in km/s)
(a)    0.292
(b)   0.416
(c)    0.618
(d)   0.910
17.      Which of the following statement is correct for a Hohmann transfer between two circular coplanar orbits?
(a)    The apoapsis radius equal to radius of the initial orbits and the periapsis radius equal to radius of the final orbit.
(b)   The periapsis radius equal to radius of the initial orbits and the apoapsis radius equal to radius of the final orbit.
(c)    The periapsis radius less than radius of the initial orbits and the apoapsis radius equal to radius of the final orbit.
(d)   The apoapsis radius equal to radius of the initial orbits and the periapsis radius greater than radius of the final orbit.
18.      Pick the appropriate option , according to the corresponding propellant with an  increasing Specific Impulse
(a)    Nitric acid/mono-methyl-hydrazine < Cold Gas < Mono-propellant-hydrazine < LO2/LH2
(b)   Mono-propellant-hydrazine < Cold Gas < LO2/LH2 < Nitric acid/mono-methyl-hydrazine
(c)    Cold Gas < Mono-propellant-hydrazine < Nitric acid/mono-methyl-hydrazine < LO2/LH2
(d)   Mono-propellant-hydrazine < Cold Gas < Nitric acid/mono-methyl-hydrazine < LO2/LH2
19.      If the wedge half angle θ is greater than θmax , the shock becomes
(a)    Oblique shock
(b)   Normal shock
(c)    Bow shock
(d)   Expansion shock
20.      An incompressible fluid flows over a flat plate with zero pressure gradients. The boundary layer thickness is 1mm at a location where Reynolds number is 1000.If the velocity of the fluid alone is increased by a factor of 4, then the boundary layer thickness at the same location , in mm will be
(a)    0.25
(b)   0.5
(c)    2
(d)   4

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